Feb 2, 2021Liked by Juliette Ryan

Did you follow the same steps for night time wake ups?

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My baby absolutely hates it when I try to soothe him while he is still in his bassinet. He very loudly complains about seeing me but not being held but he is not crying. For your method, should I stay by his bed and keep trying to reassure him? Or should I just pull the plug at that point?

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was this attempted when baby was already out of the swaddle? and do you have an opinion on whether that matters? thanks!

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If baby is still fussing after 15min of calm chicken, but not all out crying do you pick them up and give them a different method for napping? Or do you keep going? Or start the process over?

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Question - what if they fall asleep but wake up a few minutes later or prematurely - like only 20 minutes of napping? Let them fuss for 5 minutes again?

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I wonder about the 4th option not listed, you put baby down & they don’t fall asleep at all? Baby can lay there wide awake for at least 20m before starting to fuss from boredom/lack of attention, and it’s not a wake window issue, dark room, 70°f.. what’s the routine for this circumstance?

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Hi! First of all thanks for sharing this, it’s really helpful. I just don’t have it in me to do any crying sleep training methods. We tried this for the third time today. My son wakes up so much as soon as I put him down that he goes from eyes drooping in my arms to rolling around, he lasts about a minute before fussing then I do “calm chicken” aka picking him up (butt pats singing etc didn’t do anything) and when he gets quiet I put him back down. He lasts seconds to a minute or two before fussing again. We do calm chicken maybe three times before he starts just blood curdling screaming then I give up and jsut get him to sleep my usual way. He’s just over 6 months old. I’m trying to be consistent with elements of our normal routine (dark room, same lullaby on, white noise, etc.) and follow the instructions so carefully but we never even make it close to the 15 min mark. Any advice?

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What would you suggest doing if baby gets wide awake and starts babbling and playing right away once she’s put down for a nap? I waited 15 minutes and she never got fussy or fell asleep but I gave up because I was worried about crankiness later after 15 minutes (she fell asleep nursing 2 minutes later and was yawning/rubbing eyes before)

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So you wait for 5 minutes of fussing in order to play clam chicken, for a max of 15 minutes at naps and 30 min at night?

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Thank you so much for this! Did you start with naps or overnight? And did you put baby in the crib awake or already asleep or drowsy?

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Did you try this technique for all naps of the day? Or did you sometimes do a nap in the stroller, etc.?

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